For many individuals managing credit score can feel like a guessing game, but with Equifax Credit Score Simulator, one can take control of financial health. This powerful tool allows individuals to estimate the impact of various credit events on their score, helping them to make informed decisions about financial future.
Simulate various events, such as:
Taking a new credit card / loan account
Payment of overdue amounts on all credit card / loan accounts
Pre-payment and closure of regular loan account
Becoming overdue on credit card / loan account
Making new credit inquiries
Raising the limit of credit cards
Changing the credit card utilization
ERS 4.0-based Simulation: Score Simulator is built based on our latest ERS 4.0 model and it shows the simulation impact in absolute points
Multi-Event Simulation: Select multiple credit events and analyze their impact all at once, giving the user comprehensive view in a single simulation
Enhanced Usage Capabilities: The daily & monthly cap are set to control & manage the number of simulations individual can simulate
API Integration: Clients can integrate Score Simulator API easily with their UI
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